Nov 12 2013

Logistics day

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After the success in 2012, the Cluster for Logistics organizes for the second time a Logistics Day in Luxembourg. We invite you cordially to our conference session starting at 6:00 pm.


Last year the « Cluster for Logistics » organised, with the support of the ministry of economy and external commerce and the ministry of sustainable development and infrastructure, a visit of the Cargo Center in which 220 students participated. The focus of this year’s event is the inland navigation sector. Luxembourg students will be shown the infrastructure of the port de Mertert as well as job opportunities in the logistics sector.

The evening session for experts is scheduled on Tuesday, November 12th  2013 from 6.00 p.m. until 10.00 p.m. 


Logistics Day 2013 evening session


Tuesday, November 12th 2013 from 6.00 p.m. until 10.00 p.m.


Chamber of Commerce
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-2981 Luxembourg
The site has indoor parking facilities


18.00-18.15 Registration
18.15-18.30 Welcome speech by Mr. Pierre Gramegna, Director of the Chambre de Commerce
18.30-18.45 Welcome allocation by Mr.Daniel Liebermann, Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade
18.45-19.15 Update of the study Future for Logistics in Luxembourg by Mr. Alain Krecké, Manager, Cluster for Logistics
19.15-19.30 Presentation of inland navigation sector by Ms. Karin de Schepper, Inland Navigation Europe
19.30-20.00 Presentation by Mr. Hans-Egon Schwarz from the Deutsche Transport-Genossenschaft Binnenschifffahrt
20.00-20.15 Conclusion by Mr. Max Nilles, Ministry for Sustainable Developement and Infrastructures
20.15-22.00 Walking Dinner

(The program is subject to change)

Join us! Logistics at all levels is reason to celebrate on 12 November 2013!

Registration: before 1st November 2013

Registration details:

Sponsor: free for 5 participants
Cluster Member: free for 1 participant
Additional Cluster member: 50 €
Non-Cluster Member: 50 €
Press: Free


1. Please register online through our form below with your full name and business address. You will receive an automated response confirming your registration. If you have a special wish, contact us directly: .
2. Our form allows multiple inscriptions for up to five guests. If you wish to inscribe more guests, please use the form as many times as you wish using the same company name so we can keep track of the amount of participants.
3. The payment order will be sent to the given address after the event.



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Nov 12 2013

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