Dec 10 2020

Cluster for Logistics Survey 2020

In an effort to continuously improve the level of service, the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg conducted a study in September to gain insights about the satisfaction of the cluster's members and to get feedback on the activities of the association. The Cluster now publishes the results for the members to download, highlighting the preferred activities and subjects as well as expected future services.

Download the survey results here

Participation of the survey:

The Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg currently counts around 100 members. From this base, the participation rate was 33%. The survey was conducted over a period of 3 weeks starting on 13th September 2020 to 1st October 2020.

Outline of the survey:

The survey was structured according to three main parts:

  • Part 1: Cluster for Logistics – Overall Feedback
  • Part 2: Cluster for Logistics – Business Activities Feedback
  • Part 3: Cluster for Logistics – COVID-19 Business Development Feedback

Survey 2020 results webinar

Results Summary:

  1. The general feedback questions turned up excellent scores between 72.6 and 86.1 percent. This section included the external appearance of the Cluster, comparing it to other sectorial associations and recommendation towards membership and events. It is based on the concept of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) with the simple question “Would you recommend us?”.  Those are encouraging scores that the C4L will track and try to enhance further in future. Astonishing 77 percent of the respondents thought that the employees of the companies seem to be aware about the services and events offered by the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg. While this is a positive number, almost a fourth are likely unaware of the Cluster. The C4L therefore suggests further promoting C4L events to company member employees including new means of communication and social media.
  2. The logistics conferences alongside the networking events and the news briefing gained the most traction over the last two years. The respondents also asked for further lobbying actions, conferences on supply chain management and more company visits. Several respondents request support on Education and Apprenticeship. The list of recommendations for future business activities to address is long from truck driver shortage, via monitoring of Brexit, EU mobility package, new business opportunities and energy efficiency regulations to digital transformation with E-CMR, modern analytical or A.I. tools for logistics and cyber security.
  3. The survey included a query on the COVID-19 impact. At that point in time (before the 2nd wave) it principally impacted the key business activities of the members and forecasts on future employee numbers were mostly neutral or slightly negative. Beside care & worry for the workers' health and how to protect them or resentment about border restrictions in March, the C4L obtained a long list of challenges the companies were having to address due to volatility, 20-30% lower revenues with negative impact on liquidity. On the upside, the participants felt that public perspective had shifted towards a more positive view on transport & logistics after the highlighted media interest during the lockdown. COVID-19 forced companies to increasingly use home office which resulted in the necessity to familiarize employees with new technologies.

For future events, members expressed more knowledge sharing about PPE, new regulations in Luxembourg, support of hospital & healthcare sector and a stronger focus on digitalization & innovation topics.

This study was anonymous and the C4L plans to repeat this survey on a regular basis. 

For a more detailed overview of the statistics, download the Survey results below

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