Mar 30 2020

MIT director Yossi Sheffi's views on the Coronavirus impact on supply chains

The renowned Supply chain expert Dr Yossi Sheffi discusses the threat to global supply chains posed by the coronavirus outbreak in interviews with Bloomberg and MIT.

Supply Chain Collapsing From Coronavirus - March 27th

MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi speaks with Bloomberg on the collapse of the food supply chain from the coronavirus (Source: Bloomberg)


The Coronavirus and the impact on the Supply Chain - March 5th

In an exhaustive video, the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (MIT CTL), discusses the threat to global supply chains posed by the coronavirus outbreak. Alexis Bateman hosts MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi for an interview to uncover some of the pending supply chain impacts to be expected resulting from the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Sheffi explores how the coronavirus is already impacting supply chains and what the impact may look like in the near future. He discussed some results from an ongoing survey gauging how corporate supply chains are being impacted, and what decision-makers are doing about it. With these results, Prof. Sheffi advises how companies should respond in the near term and what this means for future disruptions. The webinar includes a questions session to Professor Yossi Sheffi.

Yossi Sheffi has served as the Director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics since 1992. From 2007 to 2012 he was the Director of the MIT Engineering Systems Division. He is the founding Director of MIT's Master of Supply Chain Management degree, established in 1998 and offered in Luxembourg at the university since 2017.



Coronavirus Takes a Toll on Supply Chains - March 20th

Professor Sheffi speaks to Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu and Romaine Bostick on the virus's effect on supply chains (Source: Bloomberg)


Virus-Related Supply Chain Disruptions to Get Much Worse, MIT's Sheffi Warns - February 27th

Professor Sheffi already discussed the threat to global supply chains posed by the coronavirus outbreak on February 27th.



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