Mar 19 2020

A big Thank You to all logistics providers in difficult times

Thank you to all drivers and other logistics people for their discipline and dedicated work under difficult conditions.

Luxembourg as well as Europe currently faces a difficult time, both from a health point of view than from a logistics and economic point of view.

The COVID19 epidemy has a significant impact on the distribution & logistics sector beyond the initial air freight impacted by China.

  • The express and food distribution is a crucial sector and needs support.  
  • Capacity & demand are low and volatile or irrationally large.
  • A period of imposed economic slowdown has been installed, that could potentially be extended to 4 weeks. 
  • Obviously the reduction of flights, not only by Cargolux, is impacting the activity at the airport since last week of January.
  • All road and aircargo companies adjust their operations accordingly and reduce frequencies according to the market situation as factories are lowering or delaying protion. China has started to increase or resume factory production.
  • Let us remind you that the employees need to be kept for the surge of demand expected after this period of uncertainty. 

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  • Consider using only one person per vehicle.
  • Consider no signature at delivery to avoid human contact or digital signature where available
  • Consider personal protection (mask, handshoes, organise cleaning and desinfection)

We are supporting the sector where possible and understand you face difficult decisions to maintain logistics capacity.

The distribution sector SHOULD completely shut down by using the short working hours, but rather work alternatively.

Economics and lack of people will probably force companies to lower the capacity they maintain.

The C4L wish all companies resilience and smart decisions and hopes the governement will support a minimum service financially, when required.

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