Nov 04 2019

Chengdu-Luxembourg Railway Express has arrived

November 2nd 2019 - 10.000 km and 15 days later, the Chengdu-Luxembourg Railway Express has arrived on schedule at the intermodal terminal Bettembourg-Dudelange. "With its location at the heart of Europe, our terminal is ideally positioned to act as an international hub for the consolidation of multimodal transport flows", notes CFL mm in its LinkedIn communication. This second test train from China to Luxembourg was loaded with automotive components, electronics and textiles. 

A first test train went from Luxembourg to Chengdu in April 2019 and crossed Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, entering the Chinese territory in Alashankou to finally arrive at the Chengdu Qingbaijiang International Railway.

With this connection, the Intermodal Terminal of Bettembourg-Dudelange contributes to strengthen the intermodal offer between Europe and China, as a consolidation hub for South Western Europe. Simultaneously, Chengdu International Railway Services (CDIRS) improves further its coverage in the hinterlands of Europe as well as its service quality.

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