Arthur Welter, CFL multimodal and LuxairCARGO are the first LEAN & GREEN STAR winners in Luxembourg

The LEAN & GREEN Luxembourg community celebrated the first LEAN & GREEN STAR Awards on July 13th 2018. The companies Arthur Welter, CFL multimodal and LuxairCARGO received the LEAN & GREEN STAR Award for achieving an ambitious reduction of at least 20% in CO2 emissions since 2012. Minister François Bausch handed over the awards during the ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce.

The laureates and their LEAN & GREEN achievements since 2012:


Base Year

Reduction achieved since 2012

Arthur Welter                  


> 21%

CFL multimodal                     





> 33%

The percentage figures above cannot be compared between companies, as they are based upon different scopes.                The data of the companies is their proprietary information, confidentially audited by a third party.

Minister for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, François Bausch congratulated the first three LEAN & GREEN STAR winners in Luxembourg for achieving their commitments over the last five years, stating that: “The Lean & Green program, initiated 2014 by the Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure and run in close collaboration with the Cluster for Logistics, is a real success. Over the last 5 years 11 companies joined the LEAN & GREEN Program in Luxembourg and committed themselves to ambitious CO2 emission reduction goals. The CO2 emissions which are saved over the lifetime of the LEAN & GREEN Program by LEAN & GREEN STAR winners Arthur Welter, CFL multimodal and LuxairCARGO not only contribute to achieving the Government’s ambitious ecological goals but also empowers these businesses for long term growth and success.”

Mr René Gloden in charge of the Lean and Green Program with Arthur Welter Transports highlighted following achievements. “Our complete truck parc was exchanged by new EURO6 based motors until end of 2017, while we decreased the empty km through a clear objective and succeeded to use more double decks.”

Ms. Barbara Chevalier Director Strategy and Business Development, CFL Multimodal Group: "The Lean and Green program has enabled CFL multimodal to establish its position as a player committed to the environment in the field of logistics in Luxembourg and Europe, as by our slogan" CFL multimodal - eco-logistics for our future ". The label has been a springboard for achieving our CO2 reduction goals over the past five years and even surpassing them as we get a drop of almost 22%! Through the monitoring of the CO2 balance sheet each year, we were also able to analyze our key figures from a different angle, which proved to be relevant for measuring profitability and optimizing operations. Finally, involving and uniting our employees around environmental values ​​has been a benefit of the Lean and Green program that we highly recommend to any company!

Why join the program?

This program supports future orientated businesses in transport and logistics to combine ecological behaviour and economic use of energy in a very competitive business environment. The Label plays an increasingly important role in Europe helping to meet COP 21 Paris goals of reduced CO2 emissions through 2030.

“By joining the LEAN & GREEN program a company is able to assess energy consumption and reduce waste, find innovative ways to save fuel through ambitious goals and therefore money while enhancing its image”, according to Ms Mélanie Laidié, deputy Cluster Manager in charge of program. It is open to any company with supply chain activities, even outsourced, and it attracts retail, industrial, logistics and transport companies. Over 500 companies across Europe have won the label since 2008, while over 120 have achieved the STAR Level.

The Luxembourg sustainable logistics LEAN and GREEN community is now almost a dozen companies strong in Luxembourg with Luxport Group, Kronospan and Webtaxi joining in 2017 the previous eight companies Arthur Welter, Cargolux, CFL Multimodal, GN Transport, Luxair Cargo, Offergeld, Post and Transalliance.

The road to LEAN & GREEN

LEAN & GREEN is the road to zero emission, awarding companies with Lean & Green Stars for every step they take towards this goal. Companies are awarded their first LEAN & GREEN STAR when they reach the first reduction target of 20% CO2-reduction within 5 years. It is possible to reach for a second star with further sustainability measures.

  1. The LEAN & GREEN Award is presented, based on an approved Action Plan, to organizations that commit to a sustainability target of cutting CO2 emissions by at least 20% in no more than five years.
  2. The LEAN & GREEN STAR Award is presented to organizations as soon as they have demonstrably realized the minimum target of 20% set out in the Action Plan.
  3. The Second LEAN & GREEN STAR is presented to organizations for realizing new sustainability targets that contribute quantifiably to network and transport performance in collaboration.

Based upon the action plans that the companies elaborated and which have been subject of an independent audit, the award winners have 5 years after the selected reference year to achieve their ambitious goals and win the LEAN & GREEN STAR.

Next session starts in September

The LEAN & GREEN programme starts for a fourth edition in September 2018. During workshops organized by the Cluster for Logistics and Dart Consulting, the participating companies will receive a personalized training to assess their CO2 consumption and define how to reduce their energy use, depending on their business model and activities.

Background Information:

Under the leadership of Ministry for sustainable Development and Infrastructure, the Cluster for Logistics launched the LEAN and GREEN label in Luxembourg in 2014 in order to promote a reduction in CO2 emissions in companies with logistics activities. The LEAN and GREEN label has been developed by the Dutch non-governmental organization Connekt and is one of the most successful in Europe in terms of image and recognition of the efforts for sustainable development, as 2.4 bn tons of freight enter via Benelux every year.

For more Information: ;

Project manager Lean and Green: 

Director C4L: 



The three winners of LEAN & GREEN STAR Luxembourg:

The most important CO2 reduction measures that the company have taken

Arthur Welter

• Renewal of the 100% fleet to Euro6 engines until the end of 2017

• Empty KM reduction with 2017 target of maximum 11%

• More transportation with double-floor trailers

CFL logistics (CFL Multimodal Group):

• Modal shift from road to rail

• Reduced fuel consumption and fleet renewal

• Optimization of road transport and truck fill rate


• Review of energy policy leading to the shutdown of the cogeneration plant (BHKW)

• Cooling system: replacement of the absorbers with a more efficient system

• Replacement of batteries and rolling stock, optimization of electricity installations in warehouses and offices (LED)
